Menopause Positivity Planner

Buy The Menopause Positivity Planner

Helping you prioritise yourself and your emotional wellbeing through the menopause.



For many of us, the menopause happens at a time when we are time poor, juggling our career with dependents and other responsibilities, and many menopausal women feel invisible, irrelevant, lonely and overlooked by society. 

We need more support (both emotionally and physically) that informs us, empowers us and helps us to cope with unnerving changes our bodies and minds are going through.

This planner has been designed to help all women embrace their menopause with optimism; feeling prepared, empowered and positive about what comes next.

It will help you reprioritise yourself and your emotional wellbeing. Its purpose is to help you feel happy, in control and able to prioritise what is important to you in what can be a really exciting time of your life.

The Menopause Planner gives you…

- Coaching questions to help you find time for yourself, prioritise your needs, realise your worth and and feel more confident.

- Activities to help you focus on self care, re-discovering who you are and coping with overwhelm and anxiety.

- Coping Strategies and advice on the most common worries, including managing at work, maintaining relationships and coping with feeling overwhelmed.

- Goal setting on self care, confidence and relationships, to support you in making changes, with regular check ins to keep you going.

- 12 weeks of daily journaling space to reflect on the positives from the day and prompts to help you focus on gratitude and prioritising you needs.

- Monthly symptom and mood trackers to help you spot patterns and advocate for yourself with your GP, and tips to help manage some of the most common symptoms.

Our menopause and post-menopause journeys will last the rest of our lives, so let’s enter and travel through them feeling they way we should - happy, confident, attractive, important, loved and seen.

It shouldn’t be about surviving the Menopause, it should be about thriving through it!

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the focus back on you through the menopause.

