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How do your staff cope after a bad day in clinic?

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September 23, 2024
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October 24, 2024

When things get challenging in the clinic, it can be hard for your staff to switch off and rest once they’re home.

In fact, a recent client survey revealed that 73% of respondents often found it hard to let go of their day - and that can lead to increased stress, anxiety and potential burnout.

Just as it’s important to offer exceptional patient care, supporting your team’s wellbeing is crucial, and helping them develop strategies to unwind can make all the difference.

When things in clinic get tough, it can be really hard for your staff to switch off when they get home - in fact, a whopping 73% of respondents in a recent client survey said it’s something they struggle with.

The inability to rest after a bad day can lead to stress, anxiety and burnout, so it’s important your staff learn some coping techniques to help them settle their minds - here are 3 of my favourites.

  • Create a set routine for when you’re leaving work, forging a habit that tells your brain that work is finished for the day.
  • Buddy up with someone you can chat to before leaving work, so you can offload any struggles or worries you might have.
  • Make time after work for something you love - a hobby or an activity that makes you feel good - and commit to doing it regularly. 

It’s important to offer exceptional emotional support to your patients - and it’s just as important to offer the same to your staff.

To learn more about how I can help enhance the support on offer to your clinic employees, get in touch today at [email protected]

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