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March 1, 2019

The Importance of Fertility Support Groups

When you are struggling to pregnant it is really helpful to have the safe and non judgemental support of a Fertility support group.
January 31, 2019

Why the HFEA Guiding principles are so important in understanding emotional support for patients

This article covers the nine guiding principles and my thoughts on why they are important and my advice on implementing more emotional support.
October 29, 2018

The importance of self care

One of the things that gets forgotten when trying to conceive is to take care of ourselves emotionally.
May 30, 2018

Daily Happiness Plan

This workbook is designed to help you focus on the things that make you smile and help you plan something that makes you happy every day.
May 23, 2018

What is a Fertility Coach and how can they help me?

The work I do is all about talking through where you are struggling, helping you create a plan, and then supporting you on the actions you take.
January 5, 2018

Is Infertility making you lose friends

Infertility can leave you feeling isolated and like no one understands how you feel.
November 4, 2017

Interview with Susan Seenan

Hear information and advice from the Chief Executive of the biggest Fertility Charity in the UK.
November 3, 2017

Interview with Kelly da Silva

A real life story of someone who has created an amazing support system following her personal experience.
November 2, 2017

Sarah Banks – Managing fertility treatment in the workplace

Advice for juggling fertility treatment and work.
October 31, 2017

Sarah Banks – The impact of stress on fertility

Advice for reducing stress when trying to conceive.
October 31, 2017

Interview with Caitlin Allen

Hear information and advice from a Fertility Acupuncturist.
October 30, 2017

Interview with Mr Martin DeBono

Hear information and advice from a leading Fertility Consultant
February 26, 2020

Surviving Mother’s Day When You Are TTC

Mother’s day is often a really tough day when you are still desperately trying have your longed for baby. This blog gives some ways to help you cope on Mother's day and the run up to it.
January 30, 2020

It’s Normal To Feel Grief

Grief is a common thing that comes up when talking about TTC and going through fertility treatment. Grief can take many forms and isn’t limited to those that have sadly suffered a physical loss like a miscarriage or baby loss.
December 6, 2019

Coping at Christmas Time

This blog gives some tips to help you get through the Christmas holidays. I know how tough it can be, so take small steps and do what you need to do to get through it.
December 6, 2019

Supporting your loved one at Christmas

If someone you know and love is struggling to get pregnant or is going through IVF, there are lots of little ways you can help them this Christmas that will make a big difference to how they feel this Christmas time.
November 13, 2019

IVF Positivity Planner

The IVF Positivity Planner is designed to help you feel calmer, more informed and more in control of what is happening to your body, meaning you are in a better state for coping through TTC and treatment.
October 17, 2019

Project Us Vs Project Baby

Fertility struggles can put enormous pressure on a relationship and it is a huge thing to go through as a couple. After time ‘Project Baby’ can take the focus away from you as a couple - you forget that before ‘trying’ you had a loving relationship and that you got together for a reason.
July 17, 2019

Questions To Think About After a Failed Cycle

A failed cycle can leave us feeling hopeless and unsure of what is next, this blog gives you some ideas of what to think about.
June 28, 2019

HFEA Annual Conference 2019

Key takeaways from the HFEA Annual Conference 2019